The CORSAIR iCUE software is currently in an early access stage, meaning it does not yet have all features enabled and may contain defects. – Resolved other various minor bugs and issues CORSAIR iCUE is Currently in Early Access – iCUE Space properly is aligned with the screen when enabled – Resolved an issue with the Obsidian 1000D Widget in Dashboard – Resolved an issue with Performance Tab not appearing during a cold boot into Windows – Resolved an issue with Notifications tab not appearing when doing a cold boot into Windows – Resolved an issue with iCUE notification and returning to normal operation – Vengeance RGB for Pulse and Shift patterns now allow you to select up to 7 colors – Improved the system info and logs to include memory information – Resolved an issue with iCUE waking from sleep – Resolved an issue with text in widgets for digital power supplies – Improved the selectable region for the MM800 RGB zones – Resolved a delay with opening Settings in iCUE – Resolved an issue with Sabre RGB (Laser) and adjusting DPI values – Resolved an issue with Dark Core RGB/SE and being unable to edit the names properly in Windows 7 – Resolved an issue with adjusting DPI on the M65 RGB Gaming Mouse – Resolved an issue with maximizing the iCUE window – Resolved an issue with Farcry5 effects persisting after the game is no longer running – Resolved an issue with a delay with resizing the iCUE window – Resolved an issue with Dashboard not reverting to the default background – Resolved an issue with not being able to arrange iCUE Profile Folders – Resolved an issue with lighting effects and their names in Lighting Library – Resolved an issue with K63 Wireless and the Windows Lock Key – Temperature is now added as a Lighting Link effect Please note that Static Lighting, like every other effect for Vengeance RGB PRO, cannot be stacked with other lighting effects – Static Lighting for Vengeance RGB PRO is now enabled for individually addressable LED customization. – Type Lighting for Lighting Link now works for Vengeance RGB PRO – Removed Demo Devices from showing in Dashboard if demo mode is disabled

– Improved the width of the dropdown menu for software sensors in Custom Performance Modes for coolers